Friday, November 9, 2012

the Barn Garden...

One of so many, the barn garden that surrounds the sunken garden has been a magical place this week. I can't say it's my favorite, only because I've yet to explore them all! But it's a wonderful place to be... the light with the late blossoms, various grasses and all those seed heads has been just incredible. Janick and I worked in one corner, planting out two beds with wall flowers(vulcan) with west point tulips, then tackling the enormous tree dahlia(imperialis) that had to be cut and dug early (before blooming) because scaffolding has to go up for some repair work on the barn. That was sad, but the thought of all these spring plantings (going on all around Dixter) is quite hopeful and exciting. I'll be looking for lots of photos come spring!

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